What do I like the most about working at Drop&Go?
As the online marketing manager for D&G, I don't have as much contact with customers on location as I would like, but all online customers will pass by on my screen. Handling the online marketing for D&G grants me the freedom to experiment, expand, and grow with an energetic team.
What can you expect if you find me working at Drop&Go?
From time to time, I drop by our location in Amsterdam. First and foremost, to stay up-to-date with the team, but also to explore new opportunities to optimize the flow for our customers. How can we make the transition from online purchase to luggage check-in as smooth as possible? Found me at Drop&Go? Feel free to ask me any questions about Amsterdam, solo-traveling, or anything else!
PS: fun fact about me
After living in Amsterdam for 10 years and being bound to my home during the pandemic, it was time for me to spread my wings and I started traveling again. After traveling through Europe, I now spend most of my time munching on tacos in Mexico.