

Hey there! I’m Kimberley, though Kim works just fine 😉 Amsterdam is not just my place of birth– it’s been my home for as long as I can remember. My journey with Drop&Go kicked off in 2018, and it’s been a rollercoaster of experiences ever since.

Hi, I'm Kimberley

What do you like the most about working at Drop&Go?
Fueling my relentless curiosity, I like connecting with people from every corner of the globe. The vibrant chaos that accompanies the summer season is my kind of fun; you won't catch me sitting still for too long.

What can you expect if you find me working at Drop&Go?
Consider me your go-to listener and problem-solver. Need to spill the beans about your travel escapades? I'm all ears, spill the tea! Struggling with post-flight phone setup? While I won't claim expertise, being a capable millennial certainly helps. No question is too strange, and trust me, I've heard them all. Food is a serious matter to me, so if you crave local food recommendations, hit me up!

PS: fun fact about me
My roots trace back to Suriname, South America, with ancestors primarily hailing from present-day Indonesia in Southeast Asia. Sprinkled into this diverse mix is a touch of African heritage. Amsterdam is a melting pot like me, thanks to its rich Dutch colonial history. It's a tale worth exploring, both the highs and lows! History captivates me, just like biomedical sciences (my background). At this point, I'm not sure if there's anything in the world that doesn't pique my interest!

My personal and favourite recommendation for visiting Amsterdam

My personal and favourite recommendation for visiting Amsterdam While many locals steer clear of the city center, I revel in the chaos. Here are my top (affordable) picks:

- De Bakkerswinkel Centrum for breakfast. Freshly baked bread, delectable curds, and the friendliest staff. A warm start to your day.

- Hoi Tin Cantonese bakery. Please, leave some pork buns and wife cakes for the rest (and me).

- Vleminckx de Sausmeesters for Flemish fries. The mayo and peanut sauce combo is a game-changer, I promise!

- NEMO Science Museum, an interactive space for all ages. The rooftop, free to access, is perfect for a summer day.

- Royal Theatre Tuschinski, once hailed as the world's most beautiful cinema. Escape unexpected weather, take the tour, and catch an English-language film with Dutch subtitles.

I wrote for Drop&Go

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